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Imprimerie Léonce Deprez

Imprimerie Léonce Deprez streamlines print operations with ePS Technique and ECO3 Apogee integration

Discover how Imprimerie Léonce Deprez reduced the workforce needed for quotation and invoicing, automated 80% of their jobs, and significantly improved proof validation times, resulting in substantial time savings and increased flexibility.

Imprimerie Léonce Deprez printing process

"Since proofs are validated faster, we can be much more flexible. I can get a proof in 30 minutes or an hour, so we can link jobs together and be much more responsive to the customer."

Léonce-Antoine Deprez, President and General Manager,
Imprimerie Léonce Deprez

About the company

Imprimerie Léonce Deprez primarily prints magazines, along with leaflets, catalogs, guides, and tenders.

In addition to publication printing, they provide distribution services, ensuring a comprehensive solution under one roof. They print around 200 magazines a month, employ 70 people, and have a turnover of approximately 20 million euros. Their advanced equipment includes a 16-page Rotoman, a 32-page Komori, and a new Heidelberg sheetfed press that handles four colors and acrylic varnish.

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The challenge

Historically, Imprimerie Léonce Deprez relied on an ERP system from the 1990s.

In 2016, they conducted an extensive market study and solicited bids for a new system. Technique emerged as the most effective tool for web printers, especially because of its data collection module, which could connect their machines to the ERP system.

Following the ERP upgrade, the organization aimed to integrate additional systems, including prepress solutions. After thorough research, they determined that ECO3's Apogee was the best solution on the market. Its online cloud hosting capabilities, which enable work from anywhere, are particularly valuable in today's environment.

The integration of Technique and ECO3 Apogee has further enhanced their operations, making them more agile, efficient, and responsive to customer needs.

Key requirements
database Icon - eProductivity Software Data collection
circle-check Icon - eProductivity Software Integrate with multiple systems
handshake-simple Support with implementation

The result

Imprimerie Léonce Deprez successfully integrated ePS Technique MIS/ERP and ECO3 Apogee to enhance efficiency and responsiveness in their print production and prepress workflows.

The integration of Apogee and Technique has significantly enhanced Imprimerie Léonce Deprez's ability to respond promptly to customer needs. When customers submit their files, they receive a proof within an hour. The job then progresses through the workflow to CTP, with JDF data sent to the press. This seamless integration has greatly reduced turnaround times. Today, the company produces around 80,000 plates annually with just one and a half people in prepress.

The integration also offers several other advantages. JDF data is used for plate making and press settings once files are approved, and JMF messages provide information on the number of plates made, aiding in cost management.

Faster proof validation allows the company to be more flexible and responsive. They can deliver proofs within 30 minutes to an hour, enabling them to link jobs efficiently and improve customer service. This efficiency means that only three people are now required to handle tasks from quotation to invoicing, a significant reduction from the previous ten, leading to substantial time savings.

The integration has not only streamlined Imprimerie Léonce Deprez's operations but also positioned them as a more agile and efficient company, ready to meet the evolving demands of their customers with speed and precision.

The risk of human error has been reduced to 15%, and 80% of jobs have been automated, with further potential for automating special cases. With plans for further automation and optimization, including versioning—which is expected to save an additional 5 to 10% of preparation time in prepress and manufacturing—Imprimerie Léonce Deprez is well on its way to setting new standards in the printing industry.

  • Workforce efficiency

    Reduced from 10 to 3 employees for quotation and invoicing

  • Automation

    80% of jobs automated, with potential for more

  • Proof validation

    Improved proof times to 30-60 minutes

  • Prepress productivity

    Producing 80,000 plates annually with 1.5 prepress staff

  • Error reduction

    Human error decreased to 15%


Technique enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of managing the printing and publication industries, including order taking, job monitoring, inventory control, and financial administration.

Speak to sales

"Implementing ePS Technique has transformed our workflow. It provided key insights into our costs, helped us secure new projects, and seamlessly integrated with our machines, reducing our staff from ten to three for quotations and invoicing. We customized it to our specific needs, facilitating a smooth and efficient transition”

Léonce-Antoine Deprez, President and General Manager,
Imprimerie Léonce Deprez